![]() "I am writing the story that will never end in my heart."
i guess the Gothic ppr went okay.. i jus kept smoking and somehow it feels as thou the tym is crawling by todae.. i just kept smoking looking at the clock.. gah.. anyways.. the pprs are gng to be over soon..after the torturous mugging done tonite and it will be over!.. haha.. i really cant wait for it to be over!!.. (zoo and elephants!*).. ahhah... i forgt why m i blogging in the first place.. oh.. the guilt trip is back..geog and econs notes are staring at me.. the sight of them kinda irks me .. hhaha..=( 3 papers down... geog ppr 1, lit paper 1 and econs ppr 3..an 8hrs 15 mins battle.. and each one left me totally zonked out after the battle.. geog was veh bad.. i totally left an essay qn and several parts of the DRQ's unattempted.. i really dunnoe how to do them.. urgh.. i guess i jus hafta banged on the human geog ppr again.. lit was disastrous too.. i dunnoe how to do any of the essays nor have any clue of what the context.. leaving myself with practically no choice.. i did all the 3 context qns..with alot of time left to space out .. sheesh.. i can never seem to be able to clear the shakespeare ppr anywae. i guess econs is the only ppr that wasnt that bad.. i dunnoe.. i gt quite confused at some parts of the essay bt stl went ahead wif my instincts.. im jus hoping that it doesnt go so out of the focus of the qns.. i feel as thou the pprs are over.. im so tired bt im well rested after a 2hr nap.. [lit ppr 4, econs ppr 1, geog ppr 2, lit ppr 8] left to go.. the 10hrs battle hongkong cafe.tanning.more tanning.steaming.more steaming..cut hair. wif audrey!.. haha haha.. it was so fun.. did alot of catching up wif her.. rem our date on the 3rd!..haha.. * the sacred marriage vows.i stl believe in it..even when i haf seen many marriages crumbled.. its really sad..my parents dont even sleep on the same side of the bed now.. on opposite ends of the bed.. it seems as thou the 5 years of courtship,20 years of marriage has come to a stopping point.till death do us apart.. its such a sacred promise.. a vow to each other..i do believe in couples recommitting the vows again if one dae..when each of them realise that they haf gradually forgt abt the meanings of the vows.. at that point when they recite the vows to each other again.. that moment will be one of sincerity and love when they make up yheir mind to put thngs rite again.one day., i stl pray for my parents to recommit their marriage to the vows again. fished this off her blog: I ______, take you _______, to be my wedded(wife/husband), to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward til death do us part. a simple wedding .. of love and faith ..romance can only exist when its filled with love..till death do us apart. i feel that my body is giving way soon.. my head is spinning..sharks..ohno.. im panicking.. i haf a week left and i have not cleared any single subject. .*desperate cry*. Lord i thank You for the peaceful dinner that we had earlier on.. i hope that our efforts have made a difference.Lord. let it be a small step to smthng Lord..oh Father Lord i pray.. heal this family..with Your ever abundant love, mercy and grace. Amen. here's smthng u prolly wldnt even noe.. haha.. here goes..Do u noe.. the Earth's orbit stretches in a cycle of abt 95000 years?..instead of being elliptical to a more circular shape so it is now further away from the sun..so its now colder. the Earth is tilting at 23.5degrees now and this larger angle of tilt means that the polar areas will be warmer. the direction the axis points changes through time as the axis wobbles during a period of 21000years. Now, the Earth's axis is closer to the sun during the Northern Hemisphere winter than the Northern Hemisphere summer. there u go.. now the Earth stretches,tilts and wobbles.. i cant accept it.. =( this post marks my 200th post since 14Nov2003.. time really kinda flew by me and reading the past archive posts stl amuse me smtyms.. i thnk i did grow up.. i used to be some emo kid back then and life seemed so much more depressed than it usually was *think black and gray* and i guess those were the days when we are constantly hoping for the teenage romance to spring forth.. and the posts were rather sad and lonely.. i thnk i prefer the me now..thou my posts are kinda sad smtyms.. bt i do noe that is joy in me.. the Lord is faithful..=).. the nights are nt that lonely too..i noe im happier.. haha.. its 3.20am now.. my body clock is totally topsy turvy now and i dun really feel tired at this hour..haha.. i jus strted on geog rev todae.. i noe im veh late bt im comforted by the fatc that i strted.. im so dead for my rev and im no where near reahing half of it and i haf a week and some daes left.. that aside.. im haunted by hadley cell.Ferrel cell.polar cell.sheesh.. Audrey Siow Li Zi! i miss you! are u reading this?. haha.. was reminiscing abt the past.. u noe. it never fails to make me luff when i remembered * how the lizard freaked u out when u were on the phone.. how our eyes looked worse than goldfishes.. emo-ing for silly reasons! longans and lychees in the middle of the night.. stayovers! emptying ur piggy bank jus to watch movies and on neoprints!! wearing almost the same clothes! we were jus so predictable! spending hours in supermarkets and lazing at ur house.. being amused by u and ur mum.. eating museli bars for lunches.. falling aslp during lessons.. failing maths together! rushing for toilets immediately when the bell rings! luffing at ur dirty shoes.. u dun ever wash them and u wear them till it gets thrown into the bin! * there are jus too many beautiful memories.. the 2 of us are leading completely different lifestyles now and often we wonder how life will be different if we wearing each other shoes..nu ren.. different lifestyles but we are stl best frens for life.. hmm.. i miss you girl!.. when are we meeting up! fatigue frm everything within and whats not.. when vision blurs and there is difficulty to distinguish frm whats reality and whats not. through time .. through the past experiences that i haf gone thru.. i guess i lost pretty much of the securities i used to haf.. i am constantly afraid of thngs that might be happening and whether they will come true anot, when i catch whispers of the conversations, when i feel that thngs are not right.. i feel and i noe that the balloon is inflating at a dangerous pace.. the "skin" might wear out and it might burst one dae.. till then..will i stl haf a family? mummy.. u noe wad?.. i m afraid of what u mite do constantly.. prolly to a point that i m getting paranoid.. i really du like those ppl there, taunting u.. its worse when i dun hear it frm u, worse when u deny it bt i do catch whispers of it.. as for u dad, i m more so afraid.. i seem to be losing people arnd me..things really appear to be transcient now.. i never did dared to speak of a forever.. i guess more so now. i m tired.. will someone take me awae? ![]() ![]() i ripped this frm vanessa's blog! *sorry girl!*haha.. i love my class..=).. i thnk this pic was taken on the dae of the soccer finals.. haha... o5A202.. i haf a whole new set of different memories with them... a really beautiful set of memories that i had never regretted.. thxs ppl..=).. we had the class bbq ydae!.. it was so mch fun!. i hope i haf pics to be uploaded soon!.=) as the daes passed.. i feel happier..the dark clouds are really dispersing i noe..not fast mayb.. bt i m comforted knowing that..=) Wanted to share something from the jap storyline that Lisa introduced to me.. Its something like meteor garden. * "If you had to choose, would you be a diamond or a pearl?" "Simple. A pearl." "Why a pearl?" Sen shrugged. "Well, think about it. A diamond is transparent and you can see right through it. So it doesnt have much of a personality of its own, only that which other people like the diamond cutters give it. So what flavor it has is given by others and represents their perception of it. Sure, there are shiny colors inside a diamond, but it kind of hurts your eyes trying to look at them. And a diamond is so hard that it cuts nearly anything, so it seems if I was a diamond all I could do was damage things. Besides, everyone always wants to own a diamond so it just gets passed from person to person." Hiroji started at Sen's words. His friend continued, "But a pearl has depth that is fascinating and interesting. When you stare into it, you see many layers that are its personality, a part of how it was formed. The more attention you give to it, the more you polish it, the prettier it becomes. And since it is less valuable, it tends to be treasured for its uniqueness and inner beauty and not for its value. People don't destroy each other over a pearl like they do a diamond." -Raka Eda Ni Kaerazu * it makes sense doesn't it.. have alwayse like black pearls too wif its mysterious appearance.. which one would you choose a pearl or a diamond?
Love <3 |
Evelyn ♥ ♥ preserved. November 2003 December 2003 January 2004 February 2004 March 2004 April 2004 May 2004 June 2004 July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 September 2005 October 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 December 2008 March 2009 April 2009 November 2011 December 2011 Tagboard