![]() "I am writing the story that will never end in my heart."
Christmas.. A very special occasion.. Made extra special this year.. =).. Hee..tricia darling.. we cant help giggling.. haa.. I m so gald tt u r happy rite now.. nuthng beats seeing u smile again.. really smile I mean.. hee.. The year is gng to come to an end.. Thnking back.. this tym last yr.. I was busy condemning myself.. for the simple reason tt I couldn’t make it last yr.. for being the only black sheep.. for repeating my j1 year again. I scarped thru 2005.. Less tears .. more smilies.. this is a better year..=).. this tym this yr..i m happy .., I m even happy tt I haf repeated the course year.. I met so many special ppl who walked in and touched me in so many waes .. I love them all.. For the special U.. I never knew all those special feelings.. u taught me all and let me haf the chance to xperience all these… beautiful fireworks xploded on a dark starry night.. delights.. tt is wad it all meant… =)… For the Lord.. I m a changed person.. =) For tricia darling.. I m so gald tt I met u..=).. it all begin with getting merely acquainted.. to .. sharing every bits for feeling and thots and fears to each other..feelings and emotions so bare that we cannot even believe it..hee… thanks for holding me and giving me support when I thot I was falling..for the little note that saes things will get better…=)… it is important to me.. hee.. hugs.. For Gillian.. smile darling.. dun wanna see u so sad again..hugs.. we r wif u wif wadever comes along.. For a202.. ..wow.. awesome group of people.. hee For janna.. so sad to see u go.. bt I m comforted to know tt u r pursuing smthing tt u like.. all it matters..=).. For Vanessa.. haa.. so much energy in u .. all the funny antics.. haa.. For the Xiao Di.. andy.. fussing over ur hair…and how ppl who happen to be looking at u .. is eyeing on u.. even guys.. haa..lols.. oh.. and ur signature kaya puff!.haa For alan.. aka the utopia koala king.. oh.. he made me the Queen of Paris.. haa For rad and nursi.. for making me luff…u 2 r so funny.. haa… bus rides wif u 2 r nv the same.. For marlina.. I read ur blog and I realize we r alwaes toking abt Shampoo.. gosh .. ha.. bus 89 rides in the morn .. u heard my senseless blabbering in the morn!.. haa.. For lisa.. falling aslp anywhere and anytym.. haa..together wif andy .. it makes up our studying trio grp.. haa.. u nv fail to amaze me wif ur amazing ideas.. ha.. For marilyn .. the elegant tai tai.. For adher.. the class soccer star.. gosh .. we haf so much fun making yr banners and screaming our lungs out for ya1.. and your totally unexpected ans .. tt nv fails to inject so much laughter to the boring lessons!.. For justin.. I guess u will haf to leave wif the Mr Tightshirt title… thou u haf a much bigger shirt now… and to thnk tt I realize it after wondering why u looked diff!.. haa.. For Diana.. I will alwaes rem the tym when u ran across the canteen and hug me .. haa.. tt took em by surprise.. haa.. u r so hardworking and often saves the class in the nick of tym!.. haa For anand and dari.. the rest of my gp grp.. gosh.. our in-promptus!.. haa.. so much laughters and crappy toks.. haa For bev.. her pretty smiles.. oh and ur squirt-turtle.. isthathowuspellit?.. hah For aneesha.. for being so sweet wif the Christmas wishes.. For wanwen.. her why why why’s!.. For ewis..ur brilliant ways in lit!.. For fuad..u nv fail to amaze us wif ur essays and I m so gald tt u haf managed to come back!.. haa.. For being amazing ppl.. thxs.. =).. the perpetual feeling of apprehension.. i dunoe wad may come.. i dunnoe .. i really dunnoe I m bored now.. haa.. my dept is nowhere in sight.. haa…they went for lunch at china town… I went to paradiz wif Linda.. haa.. it’s a nice place.. haa.. I m done wif my assignment too.. hmm… wad shld I do now.. haa… well.. the buzz is over wif the liscence agreement and stuff like tt typed out already.. haa.. oh btw.. I m working.. in a marketing dept.. well.. typing thngs like tt.. I want to pass more time.. knock off at 6.. haa.. Been thnking abt a lot of stuff.. tricia!.. I wish we haf more time to tok.. * so confused *..bt oh wells… I thnk I shall not do anything abt it bah.. me being me.. Green meadows.. Pretty flowers.. Scented fresh air.. A young girl sits on the grass patch.. With her faithful dog.. Watching the world go by.. What a beautiful sight.. Tumbling swirling clouds.. The sea roars… The thunder so loud.. The lightning strikes. Its scary.. The dog howls .. Running for shelter along the dark alley.. Help seems to be unavailable.. Desperate.. What a sad sight… The Earth still spins.. Oblivious of the happenings… Peace and chaos.. Sits opposite of each other They say Life still goes on What do you say?
Love <3 |
Evelyn ♥ ♥ preserved. November 2003 December 2003 January 2004 February 2004 March 2004 April 2004 May 2004 June 2004 July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 September 2005 October 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 December 2008 March 2009 April 2009 November 2011 December 2011 Tagboard