![]() "I am writing the story that will never end in my heart."
sniffss.. sniffs ah.. terrible.. i m tired.. was jus toking to our geog tutor .. she pretty worried for our class dynamics.. hmm.. gd that someone saw it as a prob huh.. ya,.. bt oh wells.. its a problem n will nt be solved unless there are changes.. bt how.. cos i thnk its really up to u to change.. either for the better or the worst..take ur pick..well. i certainly see history slowly rewriting itself. i m so tired.. i m jus gng to stone thru this free period.. well.. except to come back to reality n blow my nose.. sniffs.. oh ya.. my hse is officially sold.. haha.. moving bt not for another 10 wks.. haha.. Sighs..i m sniffing like crazy.. my throat hurts n a throbbing headache made it worse.. n I hate it when I lose the sneeze jus when its coming out.. ah!.. haha.. oh wells.. I haf caught that flu buggie flying arnd the class.. so may of us r jus getting sick .. haha.. anywae.. we had a balloon sculpting lesson wif Justin todae.. didn’t really want to stay back todae.. bt well… stl I did.. haha.. not a bad decision though cos we had so much fun.. Vanessa..radiah, nursila, malina, ewis, justin,.. n me!.. umm.. did I miss anyone out?.. haha.. u shld see the painful look on my face when I first have to do my first twist on the ballon.. so scary la.. haha… well.. I noe how to make a dog n a flower!.. hahaha.. the fear for the balloons bursting under those twists diminishes..and soon we were having so much fun!.. n we stayed in sch for 2 hrs plus.. ya… everyone walking past thot we were either doing for the sc rally thng or the printscreen!.. goodness!.. do we look like it!.. haha.. bt ya.. it was for a gd cause .. I thnk its for the Safe Haven children’s home.. yeap.. how r we gng to sell it.. I dunnoe.. oh well.. I m blur.. haha We were like so hungry la.. so me, radiah, nursi, n Vanessa went to delifrance.. u noe how girls can really pig out .. haha.. so much fun wif good food n good conversation too.. TGIF!.. haha.. nursi insisted that fris do not associate themselves wif hw.. hhaa..thnk I shld take note of tt.. so I m slacking.. well.. at least I get to slp early tonite..hahah..my mum jus told me to neaten up my rm.. its neat already1.. haha.. apparently, some ppl are coming to view my hse for the second tym again..if all goes fine, we are selling it.. haha..finally.. bt actually, I mite feel weird living all the wae to the west.. I mean I haf been living in the east for all my life.. at least for 18 yrs.. haha.. so weird huh.. at least I m out of tt ulu area.. haha..long entry.. haha.. tata.. lights out.. I need slp.. lolls..till again..=) hai.. i m so tired.. it was as though i m running on the treadmill.. the speed is unbelievably fast..my heart is trepidating...my lungs feel as though they r gng to burst soon..i need a rest..okay nvm.. i m jus exaggerating...hai.. my life has been a whole lot of madness.. juggling cca n tuts.. haha.. where is my break?.. i wonder.. bt i stl thank God that i dun haf to rush pw proposals n chinese essays n wad haf u..... lols umm.. 12 more days to syf.. frankly speaking.. i m scared...sac had a silver ydae for their syf.. so sad.. i can jus imagine the disappointment in their eyes.. bt nevertheless.. i m stl veh proud of them..=).. ya.. back to the topic.. i m scared.. 12 daes is flyng past soon.. real fast.. haha.. todae is a dae when i haf alot of free periods.. haha.. great bonding session!.. haha.. kept luffing like a mad woman.. n ya.. i haf silent laughter.. hhaa.. ah-long n charcoal.. haha.. back to my lit before the period ends.. felt so helpless during lit tuts.. i m not catching up n its like.. oh no.. haha.. okay.. gothic primer..u haf gt me there.. oh wells went out wif drey.. FInally!.. haha.. it was a blast!.. miss u so much girl!.. must go out more often kk.. haha.. thx goodness we r stl on the same frequency range.. haha.. btw. u shld watch Guess Who... so sweet.. i m imcomplete w/o u.. fo when u r wif me.. u make me whole.. aww... got my PW results!.. ahh!!.. my whole grp gt 1.. well except for someone.. quite surprise at that person's results.. bt nvm.. hahha.. finally.. our efforts bear fruits.. all the tears..all the slogging n long nites.. all the frustration.. n everythng else that doesnt matter anymore.. for we can all sae a final tribute to Pw.. haha.. tired.. veh tired these daes.. co pracs... well.. endure.. all will be over soon.. Burning Passion. She was unsure of herself. Unsure of how to pull herself through. Yet. The passion burns through her stinging eyes. She was drowned in tears. Day and night, she cried. Failed expectations, yet. She did not want to lose heart. War raged in her heart. Fighting the doubts and fears. Perserving.She fought. She fought. Fighting to live that passion. She braced herself up. The passion still burning. She knew what she wanted. You could see it just in her eyes. It was burning fervently. She sought hard for it. Blessing in disguise.She knew. To do where her passion lies. Once like the strengthless, dying flame. It was ignited again.Burning . Burning. The burning passion. With laudable enduring strength. this was my first attempt in penning down a poem.. gt this assignment some time back... bt its only till now, now then i feel like blogging this.. haha.. strange. well.. at least i gt a B.. at least i m nt demoralised.. haha.. its a poem.. that speaks close to heart.. it speaks of a story.. a Burning passion. I m back at the lib again.. This tym.. Waiting for Janice to finish her floorball training!.. haha.. I was utterly captured during my Lit lect todae..[But human nature does not go backward, and we never return to the times of innocences and equality, when we have once departed from them]..( take out our pink highlighter and highlight that statement from our notes... so amusing to be doing the same thng!..haha.. i kinda really agree that being able to study lit is a privilege.. haha.. it had ignited another side of me that i never knew.. haha.. but there is alot of catching up to be done.. my vocab is so limited!.. lols.. some guys near me are watching a gruesome video.. eek.. animals being eaten alive.. how can anyone sit there and watch n luff like some commedy is being shown!. goodness!.. tell me abt it.. till again..
Love <3 |
Evelyn ♥ ♥ preserved. November 2003 December 2003 January 2004 February 2004 March 2004 April 2004 May 2004 June 2004 July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 September 2005 October 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 December 2008 March 2009 April 2009 November 2011 December 2011 Tagboard