![]() "I am writing the story that will never end in my heart."
Hmm.. jus heard the news.. olevel results r gng to b out on mon.. seems like a dream.. the first 3 mths r soon to b over..its seems like ydae tt I was worrying abt how to fit into the new class.. being posted into A202.. going thru the lects.. eating together as a class.. boring tutorials.. haha..my classmates r going to receive their results on mon.. I hope most of them r staying.. thou.. some of them are going to poly to pursue their dream courses.. hai.. sad thng.. but I stl wish them all the best.. cos one should nv fail to fulfill their dreams.. one should not be living a life of regrets.. yeap.. The peeps at A202 that roxs!.. Marilyn..Vanessa..Stephanie..Wanying..Darianne..Beverly..Diana..Janna..Peilin..Sokwan..Shi han..Aneesha..Nursila..Radiah..Ashikin..Daniel..Fuad..Divyesh..Keith..faisal.. Thxs ppl.. had some really happy times wif u guys.. all the best!.. hopefully we will stl stay as a class ya!.. haha.. dun worry.. cos I m sure.. u all will do well!.. Oh ya.. to tricia darling.. hmm.. girl.. thxs for all the fun we had on wed.. haha… I haf put everything behind.. n truly enjoyed myself.. luffing madly.. haha.. *lampposts*..*tiao dang*.. *neoprints*..haha!..wel… stay strong dear.. may u find that laudable spirit in u… dun worry… happiness stl awaits u…=) Hmm...thankful the break… haven really unwind myself these daes… haha.. going to the beach tmr wif Janice!!.. haha.. so fun.. going to tan myself.. hopefully.. it doesn’t rain!…okays.. ciaos! hai.. jus finish the econs test.. hai.. not enuf time.. spent too much time writing too slowly at first... haha.. bt its ok.. it over... tricia!.. talking abt crumbling.. hai.. help me darling.. yeap.. i m so happy that u r slowly leaving and getting out of that sea.. *BIG HUGS*..haha.. yeap...back to update more later.. ogl meeting.. hai... ciaos.. hai.. i sprained my leg again!!!.. like agAIN!!.. goodness.. how can anyone be so clumsy like me!?.. just sprained the exact same ankle on 050205.. ya.. tt is fast ... n its relatively much more painful than any other time.. argh!..was like walking with my cell grp.. den suddenly.and it suddenly gave wae.. sheesh.. had flag dae.. quite fun doing it wif nursila, radiah, marilyn, janna and teng.. haha.. this week was a week of madness.. pure madness.. nt enuf slp every nite.. actually its not nite.. it was daybreak by the tym i finish my work...back to my routine of slping ont he table the moment i reached sch... super pig.. haha.. we are like a sponge, we leaked that is why we need to be constantly submerged in the Lord.. to edifiy ourselves.. to walk with Him and have a Hunger for His love.. to have a passion for His name.. the sponge should nv be dry.. .. thxs joseph and jasper.. for helping me to constantly remind myself tt.. it was a really empowering and powerful cell session.. for which we find a purpose.. Zillion emotions.. Whirling in and out of her head.. In and out they flew.. Crashing her.. Bringing her down.. She knew.. For u , as well.. Tears ran.. Splashing new paint.. Not doing any help.. Instead laying a new ground.. For the emotions to flood.. A vacuum cleaner in hand Determined to clear them out.. Badly she yearns.. To think straight again..for, She is always Confused. She ran to her covers. Desperate for some shelter.. She likes to see people smile.. She wants to see them loved.. For that when she really smile inside.. I really want to see u smile, she thought. Hoping u will find that bearing for urself… “Remember me with smiles, For that’s how I m going to remember u, But if u are going to remember me wif tears, Den dun remember me at all..” She remembered that she read it one day.. I m never worth it all.. For I m jus going to bring tears.. And misery..she thought. She was touched by all u did… Bt all she can say.. Its.. She is sorry.. Not pathetic. Nor depression. nor loser. She wants to tell u that. Its her fault. She is sorry again…. Smile. She plead.. ** Hai.. cny….weird aint it.. cos I totally dun feel it coming.. haha.. I thnk the festive mood is dying as the yrs passes.. I want to slim dwn so I can fit into a cheong sum nxt yr!.. haha.. I only wore it twice before!.. I thnk some cheong sum r really nice.. ok.. I m nt tt chi-na lar.. bt at least fopr cny.. its nice to wear tt.. some girls look really pretty in them.. haha.. bt of corse.. if I stl as fat as ever.. I m nt getting into it.. I will look like a rice dumpling.. lols!.. Haha.. n I saw mr ang n his wife n his daughter.. his daughter is soooon cute!.. pity tt she is slping.. if nt I can play wif her.. bt I will be helpless if she cries.. gaga…sucha coincidence huh.. was at the my ganny hse’s tt void deck wif my granny n aunities .. waiting for my dad to drive the car over n I saw him.. haha.. so qiao.. my mum thot so too.. Hai.. ppl are gng to flood my hse tmr.. n I dunnnoe most of them.. pouts.. n its nt nice to shut myself here… thou I want to… ya.. The house is veh quiet rite now…i hate silence.. Tym to slp I guess…Ciaos! goodness.. crappy me.. dun really noe wad to say.. the reason y i m not blogging is tt i m simply lost for words...it had happened again..i dunnoe how to approached it...i prayed hard.. i shed my tears... i read it over n over again.. i haf to hold myself.. i cant fall into sins and temptations.. i m sorry..wad can i sae.. really sorry.. didnt want thngs to turn weird cos i really treasure our frenship.. ya?.. like i sae.. u wun lose a fren here n i hope i dun lose u as a fren too.. i m sorry for the disappointment..hate myself for making people sad.. bt i dun haf a choice.. i m sorry.. went shoppping wif sze teng and marilyn... i saw jocelyn a couple of tyms.. girl!!!!... i miss u!!.. can we go out one of these daes.. so much to tell u .. so much to hear frm u.. hai.. drey.. n u too.. hai... ..my 2 veh veh best frens.. i saw my granny todae.. miss her so so much too.. hai... i miss the reunion dinner tt was 14 people a table ..hafing a steamboat dinner.. now.. its 4 people a table.. still hafing a steamboat dinner.. its nt the same.. in fact.. i feel kinda pathetic smtyms.. my uncles n aunties.. even my grandfather.. my cousins.. how r u ?.. sigh... yup.. lke wad my blog name suggest.. i m alwaes confused.. i haf no idea wad may b the reason.. sigh.. anywae.. its a new yr.. i haf some resolutions.. hai.. tok abt making realistic resolutions n achieving them... wad else to sae.. i slt feel crappy.. i m terribly sorry.. i dunnoe.. i m veh confused.. veh veh confused.. someone.. tell me wad to do... it all really came as a shock.. the words find it hard to register... it is a mirage?.. am illusion? yes.. confusion... unclear state of mind have u ever sat on the streets.. or simply look out of the window while u r daydreaming... have u ever wonder what is going thru their heads.. some smile.. some frown.. occasionally.. someone is crying.. some had red swollen eyes... some had the expression of joy written all over their face.. some look veh lost... looking as if they are searching for an answer... mayb someone had the exact same sentiments as u!.. mayb that someone is searching for the same company.. like u are.. many many people pass by u .. tt^s y i think tt each friend is a special gift frm our Father.. treasure ur frens.. some had pull me thru alot of bad tymes.. some had shared alot of happenings that are going on in their life.. some are merely acquitances... some are the best friends that i could have asked for.. gee..look at thngs this way.. if somehow or another.. if God didnt planned this.. or ur paths nv had once crossed... thngs could be different altogether... oh.. Lord .. i thank u.. in all the waes.. for the precious gifts that u haf given me..=) hmm.. i dunnoe y i had typed tt.. haha.. i m so slpy!!.. veh!.. my itchy mouth syndrome .. i cant stop eating.. bt u noe wads the most tragic thng i s.. i dunnoe wad i m craving for.. all i noe is i wnat to eat somethng!.. Yay!.. wanying join co!.. haha.. another company..=)..hmm.. felt really scared during lit lectures.. not cos of the gothic topic la.. but really.. the ppl arnd me are lke wow!.. really marvel at their command of English… makes me wonder how I m gng to survive in the lit cohort.. hmm.. dunnoe… well.. my foundation in the eng lang is not strong at all.. I m trying .. dear Lord .. I pray for the strength n perservance of the flame to be burning.. veh tired these daes. .insufficient slp is giving my face a breakout too !.. argh!… need to catch up on my geog stuff… its piling n not much really registered .. argh!..haha…I m craving for a brownie! –pouts- i suppose thngs r quite alrite now.. dunnoe.. jus too over-emo in the nite i suppose.. y arh?.. its alwaes the nite.. the memories i was referin to .. i guess it will be stored..stored in my heart ,mind n soul.. haha.. need to catch up on shakespeare... practically noe nuts abt him!.. *luffs*.. hhaa.. had the class performance thng.. woosh.. its over!..thou i thot i had screwed it up.. i m praying alot for my bro.. i really hope the Lord will guide him the wae.. i thank the lord for the class i m in now.. all the past anxieties tt i had.. abt nt being able to fit into the class n all..haha.. silly me!.. hey ppl!.. love ya ppl.. hmm..hopefully they dun leave after first 3 mths.. its fun being wif u guys.. yup.. i stl dun forgt my class.. a104.. must take gd care of yaself kk.. updtae me!..lecture soon.. eek!.. so boring!.. haha.. drey!.. we must go out kk.. miss u lke crazy!.. lotsa to update..
Love <3 |
Evelyn ♥ ♥ preserved. November 2003 December 2003 January 2004 February 2004 March 2004 April 2004 May 2004 June 2004 July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 September 2005 October 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 December 2008 March 2009 April 2009 November 2011 December 2011 Tagboard